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“Pass it back, bro!”- Or a mobile phone campaign for chimpanzees and gorillas.

Ghibli became the official supplier partner of the Jane Goodall Institute, which does research in the environment and nature protection, particularly the protection of primates. In the partnership framework, our company has also joined the Institute’s “Pass it back, bro!” campaign, which aims to protect the natural habitat of gorillas and chimpanzees.

The coltan ore needed to manufacture mobile phones is mined in Africa in the natural habitat of endangered species such as gorillas and chimpanzees, destroying their forests. This is why the Foundation for Africa (Afrikáért Alapítvány) has launched this campaign of the Institute with the help of the Védegylet Association and the KÖVET Association, which has the objective of protecting the habitat of gorillas and chimpanzees by collecting and recycling obsolete mobile phones.

We have installed a mobile phone collection box at the Ghibli site as part of the cooperation. We have also drawn the attention of our customers, partners, and colleagues to the importance of the campaign and the function and significance of the collection box.

Bring your unused phone to us or drop it off at another collection point to protect these rare species.
For more information about the Institute and the campaign, click here.