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We donated and delivered hundreds of boxes of durable food and hygiene products to the Hungarian-Ukrainian border

On Friday we delivered the donations offered by Ghibli and our partners to the Hungarian-Ukrainian border in Barabas, 313 km from Budapest.

Ghibli and its partner CECZ Group donated 3 pallets of toilet paper, 10 pallets of disinfectant wipes for both hand and surface disinfection, and we offered hundreds of thousands of Forint worth of other hygiene products and food.

We would like to express our special thanks to our partners, who responded to our call and supported our campaign with food parcels and hygiene products, mouth masks of significant value!

In addition we thank you for the countless private donations you have sent us!

The delivered donations will be managed and used by the Ecumenical Organisation to help people arriving to Hungary in Barabas and the surrounding border villages.

If you would like to help, you can also donate money or help in kind by following the links below: or