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Social responsibility

Társadalmi felelősségvállalás - CSR - miért fontos nekünk? Egy cég kulturájában, életében fontos szerepe van a jótékonyságnak, segítségnek.

Within the scope of our Christmas charity campaign we have subsidised Démétér House and Bethesda Children’s Hospital this year

In Démétér House the staff are working on the soonest possible recovery of marrow-transplanted children;

We have helped the work of Oltalom Charity Society with three pallets of non-perishable food

We have offered and delivered a great amount of non-perishables, inter alia, pasta, salt, flour,

We have supported a primary school in the district of Csepel

We have supported László Lajtha Primary School with two pallets of donated products. We offered

We donated and delivered hundreds of boxes of durable food and hygiene products to the Hungarian-Ukrainian border

On Friday we delivered the donations offered by Ghibli and our partners to the Hungarian-Ukrainian

As part of our traditional Christmas charity campaign this year we supported the Heim Pál Children’s Hospital.

Every December Ghibli has a tradition of launching a Christmas charity campaign with the help

“Pass it back, bro!”- Or a mobile phone campaign for chimpanzees and gorillas.

Ghibli became the official supplier partner of the Jane Goodall Institute, which does research in

Logistics Managers of Large Companies Club

“The Logistics Managers of Large Companies Club, founded by Zoltán Szabó, the managing director and owner of Ghibli, is an association of logistics, warehousing, purchasing and supply chain managers.
Since its creation in 2008, the Club has acquired more than 120 members, for whom this professional association provides networking and professional development opportunities.”
The Club was established to promote the development of the logistics profession to create a community of volunteers and human relations where members can help each other make their work more accessible, efficient, and professional. The main objective of the Club is to promote the development of the logistics profession inspire and support professionals working in the field of logistics.

In this spirit, every year – for 15 years now – the Conference of Logistics Managers of Large Companies has been held, bringing together the best logistics professionals, the cream of the profession, with around 300 participants. Attendees got inspired by exciting presentations and workshops and will meet partners from whom they can order their newest logistics or warehousing solutions in the future.
The Club has created the Logistics Team Championship to nurture talent in the logistics profession, held for the ninth time in 2021 for full-time students of higher education institutions. The teams participating in the team championship compete in four rounds in various logistics-related tasks for 1.200.000 Ft and other prizes.